My recent trip to the Harry Tarantula (Comic Book Store on Yonge St.) I bought a wonderful comic book. Just as I was about to walk out of the store after saying my good-byes to the store clerk and its two cats (Slick and Squeak (the blind cat), a comic book stuck out in front of me and caught my eyes. It was soo colorful and the style stook out from the rest of the other comics. I picked it up and skimmed through the art in this comic. This is awesome...the use of very vibrant colors and the loose and impressionistic strokes are just very unique and different. Its not like other comic books out there. The style in this comic is different and very expressive using different sizes and strokes of color to create scenes/characters. It looked somewhat realistic in certain parts.
HERE is the descritption i found on the net about this comic:
Orange has become so nihilistic about her life - callous parents, shallow friends, meaningless relationships - that she decides the only way out is to kill herself. But as she is about to jump, a mysterious man stops her, convincing her there might be something to live for after all. When, several weeks later, he commits suicide himself, how will she make sense of her brutal, heartbreaking world?
The chinese refused to publish it, saying it was too "depressing".
The actual lineworks was done by CHEN Weidong, while Benjamin colored it and designed the story.
After reading it...yes i do find that the story is very depressing and is the truth that lies out there and relates to many youth at that stage in life.
I liked it over all even though its depressing. :)
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