Friday, August 29, 2008

Featured Artist: MUJUWORLD

I stumbled across this cool artist while researching and trying to find some inspiration to start a shop. This is 'Mujuworld' according to the creators, of muju. There is a brief description of what Mujuworld is referenced from their site:

A long time ago in a galaxy far away…

A pulse of light shines out across the multi dimensional universe.
The cosmic pulse is first picked up on the creative radar of one artist, Mr Muju.
He proceeds to draw & paint & spread the mujuworld vision.

The muju vibration continues to grow & attracts the vision of another artist, Mrs Muju.
She starts to create mujuworld & its characters in our 3 dimensional space.

Together the two artists have combined powers & dedicate their time to exploring Mujuworld in all its forms.

This is wonderful I thought. Most of their creations are very colorful and fun. But what's most important is that the creators of Muju are very imaginative and free-spirited about what they create. Wonderful wonderful!

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