Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Becoming and Getting Inspired

Etsy's featured sellers

For the last couple of weeks I've been contemplating about starting an online business on It seems to amaze me when I read stories about artists starting up on Etsy and able to make a living and a loving life out of it all.

Before I start a store, I don't know what I should sell or promote as an artist. For one thing, I know I am a graphic designer and love to create cute graphics. I have sewing, painting, drawing, coloring, jewelry-making skills. But its hard to come up with something that you think people would actually like to buy and appreciate. Also I would need to make sure what I am selling is high in quality and will get noticed.
I've been inspired to start a store up but I don't know what should firstly represent what I am as an artist. Above, I've posted up art I've been doing on my spare time. I do think I have gr eat potential to sell my artwork. Hope I get going on m y goal of opening up a shop.

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